Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Chapter 6 Study Guide

Chapter 6     The Gate of Pure Thoughts

Define purity-

Give synonyms for purity-

Why was outward purity such an integral part of Old Testament worship?

Why did the ritual purity of the Old Testament fall short?  (p. 57)

How did God’s desire for His people’s hearts to be pure come through the message of the prophets?

In what way did the message of purity change from the Old to the New Testament?        (p. 58)  

Just like the process of extracting gold from the ground and purifying it, our “raw materials” need refining to make us pure.  Read Revelation 3:14-22 and comment on the three metaphors used and what you think they represent.



How do we extract the gold from the host of thoughts that clamor at the gates of our minds?  (p. 63)

How do the following qualities produce and reflect God’s purity in us?  Give a Scripture to support each.





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