Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You Are Invited...

You Are Invited
To join us for an online book study

Eight Stone GatesEight Stone Gates: Taking Thoughts Captive by Dan Manningham is a book based on Philippians 4:8, "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things."

Contact me if you'd like a copy or order it here from Focus Publishing, Inc.

I'm excited about this book and eager to hear your thoughts on it. I'd like to read a chapter a week together.  After you've read a chapter, please send me an email with your comments, quotes, questions and insights.  I'll gather them all together and post them so you can all benefit from the responses of others.  Comments can be added to the post after it's published for more interaction.  My sister has also generously offered to send me the questions she wrote to go with a study of this book and I will post them a week ahead if you want to use them as you read. 

Things to do:  You'll need to subscribe to this blog, get a copy of the book and read the first chapter, then email your response to me. We'll begin February 1st, so please have your comments in to me before the end of that week. Then start the next chapter. Watch your email inbox for the first issue of Eight Stone Gates Study Circle. Be sure to send your input each week for that week's post.  Feel free to add comments at the bottom of each blog post to interact with the thoughts of others. 

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