I'm excited to get started with this Bible study! Here are some questions for chapter 1 written by my sister, Jenn Durkee. You are welcome to use them if you like having a study guide with the book. Please email me your comments, questions, quotes you like by Saturday morning. I'll try to get it all put together for everyone and post it by Monday morning. May the Spirit of God guide and enrich you as you study.
Eight Stone Gates: Taking Thoughts Captive
How does the analogy of a train help us to understand what our thoughts are like?
What about the analogy of a river?
How do we know it is our responsibility to control our own thoughts?
What are the eight themes or “gates” the author takes from Philippians 4:8?
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
What are some of the benefits of disciplining your thought life?
Chapter One Building Walls
What stands out to you from the historical background on pp. 7-9?
What was the purpose of the gates in the city wall?
How do the gates of our mind serve a similar purpose?
What are some ways that we can “hang the gates of daily self discipline”?
By each gate, write down what kind of thoughts should be admitted there:
The Truth Gate-_________________________ _____________________________________
The Noble Gate-_________________________ ______________________________________
The Right Gate-_________________________ ______________________________________
The Pure Gate-_________________________ ______________________________________
The Lovely Gate-_________________________ ______________________________________
The Admirable Gate-_________________________ ________________________________________
The Excellent Gate-_________________________ _________________________________________
The Praiseworthy Gate-_________________________ ___________________________________________
What two things destroy the gates and walls of our minds? (p. 14)
author challenges us to take 52 days to rebuild the gates of our minds
just as Nehemiah and the Jewish people rebuilt the walls and gates
around Jerusalem in 52 days.
What promise of God do you claim today to help you in the process of rebuilding?
I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts....
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