Sunday, February 8, 2015

Chapter 2 Study Guide

Chapter 2    The Problem with Thinking
We are thinking all the time.  What is something that has occupied the forefront of your thoughts lately?

In Proverbs 23:7, Solomon used the Hebrew word “sha’ar”for think, which means-_________________________________________________________________. (p. 16)
How does this idea apply to Eve? (p. 16, 17)

What are some of the pitfalls of human thinking mentioned on p. 18?

For each of the eight themes there is an opposite way of thinking.  List each and an example from Scripture--the author’s or your own ( pp. 18, 19)
True vs. _____________; ex.-
Noble vs. ____________; ex.-
Right vs. ____________; ex.-
Pure vs. _____________; ex.-
Lovely vs. ____________; ex.-
Admirable vs. ___________; ex.-
Excellent vs. ___________; ex.-
Praiseworthy vs. ___________; ex.-

Why do you think Paul uses the comparison of physical and mental training? What does it mean to “pump some mental iron”?  (p. 21)

As guidelines for meditating (pp. 22-23), the author encourages us to think about three areas; write down some highlights of each one that are meaningful to you.
1.  Think about Scripture:  

2.  Think about the greatness of God:  

3.  Think about the immensity of Salvation:

How are we to think according to the following verses?
1 Corinthians 14:20_________________________________________________
Romans 12:3______________________________________________________
Psalm 119:7_______________________________________________________
Proverbs 13:16_____________________________________________________
Other examples-____________________________________________________
 Chapter 3 The Gate of True Thoughts

Define truth:  (p. 27)

Why is it important?

Consider the 3 parts of the oath given before testifying in a court of law, and comment on each one:  (p. 28)
1. _____________-

2.  _______________________-

3.  ______________________________________-

How does doubt undermine our relationship with God?  (p. 30)

About what do you doubt?

Can you think of a tangible signpost of truth to confront that area of doubt when it arises?  
(p. 31)

Instead of thinking “What if…” which leads to worry, how can we respond to concerns that come to mind?  (p. 31, 32)

Why is 'constructed truth' not biblical?  (p. 34)

Give an example of each type of truth that is easy for you to accept as absolutely true:
Physical/Practical truth-

Scientific truth-

Spiritual truth-

Reread the quotes and Bible verses from the chapter on pp. 126 and 127.  Highlight or copy several that will help you to stand guard at the Truth Gate of your thinking.

Don't forget to email your responses to chapter 2 by the end of the week....  Patti

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