Saturday, April 11, 2015

Chapter 8 Comments

Comments have really fallen off - I'm not sure if that is because we are all busy with Spring things.  I'd like to hear from more of you on this next chapter later this week.  I've started it and am already convicted!  It's a much-needed message - I look forward to hearing your responses to it.

Thank you, Given and Cathy for your faithfulness - Given, your comments have been in my inbox for 10 days already and I was glad to get yours today, Cathy!! 

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Image result for admirable
How can we better focus on admirable things? Well, one of the things I loved about attending Ellerslie Bible School is the focus on who God really is. It's easy to just be like, well yeah, He’s God, and just leave it at that, but to really study who He is and all that He loves and desires and has done is to find what is of “euphemos” of good repute. When asked the question who or what do you admire I often struggle to answer, because often I admire part but not the whole. It’s not this way with God, all of Him is admirable, and that is wonderfully amazing.


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This chapter on admirable thoughts was very encouraging to me.  He starts out with the question "Hey what are you thinking?"  I have found since we started this book I have been asking that question of myself lately.  What is it that I am thinking about  there is a whole list in the first paragraph:  finances, responsibilities, and fears and anxieties are the ones
that get me off on tangents.

The thoughts we need to have are the ones that would be a  Good Report. Things that have the character and quality that is worth talking about. Things that are commendable.
The story of the women with the 2 mites means so much more after reading the background on the chests that were called "trumpets" because of the shape and causing a sound when the coins were dropped in to it.  The 2 mites could not have made the sound that the other coins would have but Jesus heard them because they were given from the heart. The story of Glenn Cunningham is one that speaks to me.  He never gives up. He  continued to persevere. When we read the account of the three Hebrew men I have realized that they were truly blessed.  They stood for what was right which was admirable in an of itself.  God chose to use them in a deeper way by not dying in the furnace and witnessing to the king. 

Been thinking on doing things with my whole heart, persevering and doing what is right so God can use me.
Blessings to all

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I appreciated the stories he gave as examples of things that are admirable to think on.  This gate isn't just a gate to keep out what is not admirable, but a gate to welcome in that which is worthy of our thoughts.  So many things influence what we will spend time thinking about.  I think books, movies, and friends all play a very important role in providing admirable things to think on along with time in the Word.  As we raise our children we are helping them learn what to choose to think on.  Our conversations as well as our book choices for them will play a part in what the whole family thinks about.  I feel blessed to live in an age when so many good books are available to us.  

I appreciated the quote on perserverance -
"Perserverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." -Walter Elliot  It's easy to get discouraged and tired when we need to keep on keeping on, but this reminds me, I only have to conquer this bit at this moment.  God's grace is sufficient for this moment and the many moments add up to a life.  

Blessings on your week and I hope to hear from more of you this coming week.  Blessings, Patti
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