Sunday, April 26, 2015

Chapter Ten Comments

                The Gate of Praiseworthy Thoughts...

In thinking about having thoughts on things that are praiseworthy.  The scripture verses in this chapter are real encouraging to me.  Ps 78:4. Encourages us to continue to share  things that the Lord has done in our lives with our children.  So many praises happen that we need to share with them so that not only we remember what the Lord has done so that our children can see what the Lord has done.
1 Peter1:7 says the trial of your faith being much more precious then gold and....found to be praiseworthy. Even though our trails are not enjoyable at the time.  As we endure grief and wrongfully sufferings it is praiseworthy it says in 1 Peter 2:19.  Ps 150 says that we are to praise Him ... in fact all of the verses say praise Him.....everything that has breath Praise the Lord.  Eph 1 where it says, to the praise of the glory of his grace...everything is from him and is worthy of praise.  Sometimes this is very hard to do.  This week in an attempt to praise the Lord in everything has been found to be difficult.  The stories in the chapter are very powerful. It speaks to me to do things in secret so not to draw attention to myself.  I hadn't heard the testimony of the couple that started the voice of the martyrs.  As I read it I wondered if I could do the same. Something to think about.

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I was in a worldview class and the instructor was talking about how the secular construct of life always ends up borrowing from Christianity. Why? Because there are certain concepts and behaviors we instinctively recognize as praiseworthy. We feel them resound in our spirits as what is good and right. The same can be said when you look at secular media (books, movies, TV, reporting, etc.) They cannot help include what they know we marvel and praise when such actions are taken. A major example of this is self-sacrifice. Our lives are the most precious thing we possess and when someone is willing to risk that for the sake of another, it is praiseworthy. Why? Because
it reflects Christ and the love He gave us, placed in us, and expressed to us when He died on the cross. Every aspects of His character and nature is praiseworthy and when we see it anywhere else it triggers that same marvel and praise, even if it’s the criminal who pushes an innocent bystander out of the way of a bullet, the hero who gives the last of his food to his companion and goes hungry himself, the mom who stays up all night to keep her sick kid company, the dad who skips his golf game with his boss to go to his son’s basketball game instead, the older brother who in the middle of the night runs to sooth his baby brother back to sleep so his mom doesn’t have to, the list could go on and on. We are surrounded by praiseworthy acts and moments all reflecting Christ.

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I am moved by the kindness of Ebed-Melech and hope that I would be so kind and courageous and the example of the life of Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand.  The following three paragraphs stand out to me:

"Some praiseworthy acts are accomplished in the dark where no one notices.  These actions are particularly commendable because they are done with no hope of recognition or praise; they are just the natural behavior of people who are committed to the singular task of pleasing the God who has demonstrated His love for them.  These are particularly praiseworthy." pg 104

"While in solitary, Pastor Wurmbrand lived in squalid conditions, without books or other comforts and often in total darkness.  During this time when many would lose their sanity or surrender to self-pity he made it his practice each day to mentally compose a fresh sermon.  When the sermon was fully developed in his mind he would deliver it aloud to the darkness and when he had delivered it he would memorize an outline of it.  His spiritual and mental discipline was worthy of great praise."  pg 105  

And "Surely in all those years of torture and prison and harassment this couple must have encountered thoughts of revenge and bitterness and hatred.  Surely the walls of their minds must have seemed fragile in the face of a battering army of resentful and hostile thoughts, and yet their walls were strong and their gates well built.  We cannot know their minds, but their actions suggest that they had uncommon success in thinking about things that were true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admireable, excellent, and in the process, modeled for us something that was praiseworthy."

This verse blessed me, "These (trials) have come so that your faith--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."  I Peter 1:7

This chapter gave wonderful examples of praiseworthy things to think on.  I'm looking forward to the next chapter on taking thoughts captive.

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